Thursday, February 11, 2010

Race a speedboat

Surface Tension
Science Standards
Mini Lesson Plan
Race a Speedboat Activity


  1. It is so great to see your first science post on your blog. A very wonderful job.

  2. Does it matter what kind of dish liguid you use? Would shampoo or any other soapy substance work? What in the soap breaks the tension of the water? Good project,I really think children in school would really enjoy this. They could have a boat race and try to come up with ways to make their boat shoot across the water faster.

  3. Alex, such a good project! great photos!

    It would be neat to see if the type of material that you use to make the boats matter on how fast and long they propel in the water!

    Did you have a lesson in mind that this would work well using? What about comparing force? Or like you mentioned...surface area?
